Keynote: Funding the Future of Prospect Development
A donor's perspective
A Fireside Chat with a donor who gave a major gift to support the efforts of the University of Michigan's Analytics team.
Day 1
Wednesday, June 19
8:00 AM
Check in
Ross School of Business, Blau Hall
Greeters will be on site to direct you to the registration table.
8:30 - 11:30 AM
Analytics Pre-FORUM
Blau Hall, Room 1570
See below for details
8:30 - 11:30 AM
Manager & Director Pre-FORUM
Blau Hall, Room 1584 & 1580
See below for details
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Break for lunch
Meal not provided. Check out some local options.
12:30 PM
FORUM Check in
Ross School of Business, Blau Hall
Greeters will be on site to direct you to the registration table.
1:00 - 1:45 PM
Blau Hall, Room 1580
2:00 - 5:00 PM
Specialty discussions
See below for details
5:15 PM
Happy Hour
812 Monroe St
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Day 1: Specialty Discussions
Blau Hall, Room 1570
Analytics Pre-FORUM
​Facilitators: Brett Lantz, Paul Hively & Meredith Shapiro
What can we learn about fundraising analytics by eating Domino's pizza?
Dashboard and Visualization Do's and Don'ts -- Lessons from the Community
Evolving Models and Processes
Blau Hall, Room 1584
Managers Pre-FORUM
Facilitator: Rachel Brandell Mayers & Sarah Luckey
Keeping employees engaged and satisfied with their work
How do you create a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment for your employees?
Managing performance conversations
Career development
Blau Hall, Room 1580
Directors Pre-FORUM
Facilitator: Craig Leonard
How do we plan for what our teams will look like in 2025?
Collaborating with non-development teams
How to grow individuals, teams and technology on a budget
Career development
Blau Hall, 3560
Healthcare Specialty Discussion
Facilitators: Michael London, Stephanie Fultz, & Ashley Selmon
Partnering with the Office of Patient Experience
Critical Care transport partnership
Segmentation strategies and alignment with institutes
Standardized reports and physician metrics
Pediatric patients and fundraising
Blau Hall, Room 3580
Analytics Specialty Discussion
Facilitators: Brett Lantz, Mark Dumich & Mirabai Auer
Interactive icebreaker: online bench-marking poll and discussion
What is your biggest "win"?
How do we take fundraising analytics to the next level?
Skill/career development -- what do we need to be learning?
Blau Hall, Room 2560
Research Specialty Discussion
Facilitators: Kelli North, Betsy Schmidt-Gullett & Jessica Szadziewicz
Gift officer relationship management (onboarding, metrics, etc.)
Proactive vs reactive research
Research's role in a campaign
Blau Hall, Room 3570
Prospect Management Specialty Discussion
Facilitators: Meghan Walsh, John Herman & Becky Fullmer
Managing unengaged prospects
Communicating with fundraisers
Best practices in discovery
Day 2
Thursday, June 20
9:00 - 9:50 AM
Breakout Session 1: Collaboration
See below for session descriptions.​
Internal PD team collaboration
Blau Hall, Room 2560​
Facilitators: Emily Kelley & Sarah Luckey, Ohio State University
Organizational partners collaboration​​​
Blau Hall, Room 3560
Facilitator: Melissa Cox, University of Michigan
Working with consultants & vendors​
Blau Hall, Room 3570
Facilitator: Betsy Schmidt-Gullett, University of Cincinnati
Fundraising goals and metrics for campus partners​
Blau Hall, Room 3580
Facilitators: Stephanie Fultz, University of Cincinnati & Jessica Szadziewicz, Loyola
10:00 - 10:50 AM
Breakout Session 2: Evaluating Success
​See below for session descriptions.
Evaluating prioritization methods
Blau Hall, Room 2560
Facilitators: Emily Shipman & Paul Wiklanski, University of Michigan
Measuring program success
Blau Hall, Room 3560
Facilitator: Jeremy Sheiko, Perdue University
Gift Capacity - which elements are key at which points in the donor cycle?
Blau Hall, Room 3570
Facilitator: Amelia Bowen, Michigan State University
Internal ROI and productivity measures​
Blau Hall, Room 3580
Facilitator: Michael London, Cleveland Clinic
11:00 - 11:50 AM
Breakout Session 3: Digging Deeper
See below for session descriptions.
Campaigns: gearing up and winding down
Blau Hall, Room 2560
Facilitator: Craig Leonard, University of Michigan
DoD turnover and best practices for onboarding
Blau Hall, Room 3560
Facilitator: Kari Stokosa, Wisconsin Foundation & Alumni Association
Private company valuations
Blau Hall, Room 3570​
Facilitator: Chris Louderback, Wisconsin Foundation & Alumni Association
Prospect assignment/qualification hierarchy​
Blau Hall, Room 3580
Facilitator: Kristin Gill, University of Michigan
12:00 - 2:00 PM
Lunch break
Meal not provided. Check out some local options.
2:00 - 3:00 PM
Show & Tell: Professional Skills
Blau Hall, Room 1580
Influencing without Formal Power, Karen Hardy, University of Nebraska Foundation
Coaching Questions for Good Meetings, Kari Stokosa, Wisconsin Foundation & Alumni Association
Implementing KPIs for Team Engagement & Growth, Bonnie Weseli, University of Minnesota
Dealing with Excessive Turnover, Jessica Szadziewicz, Loyola University Chicago
Situational Awareness: What is it and why is it so important? Paul Wiklanski, University of Michigan
3:00 - 3:15 PM
3:15 - 4:00 PM
Show & Tell: Predicting the Future of PD
Blau Hall, Room 1580
Relationships & Prospecting, Cindy Karpovs, Notre Dame
Re-Scoring and Refreshing Analytics Models, Meredith Shapiro, Wisconsin Foundation & Alumni Association
Private School Tuition as an International Wealth Indicator, Hans Fruechtenicht, University of Michigan
Embedded Custom Research, Tessa Niederbaumer & Travis Moore, Cleveland Clinic
4:00 - 5:00 PM
Cohort Work Time
Find a spot to gather with your Cohort. See Day 3 for more information on this year's activity.
*Participation as a presenter in the Show and Tell sessions is voluntary; organizations are invited to submit their presentation ideas for consideration. Presentations should be brief – and submissions should indicate whether 5, 10, or 15 minutes are needed. Multiple submissions can be provided from the same organization and can be submitted for both topic areas.
Please submit a brief description of your presentation ideas to Kari Stokosa (kari.stokosa@supportuw.org) by April 18, 2019. Presentations will be reviewed by the Community Programming Committee and volunteer speakers will be notified in May about selection.
Day 2: Breakout Sessions
Blau Hall, Room 2560
Breakout 1: Internal PD team collaboration
Facilitators: Emily Kelley & Sarah Luckey, Ohio State University
This session will explore the collaboration between various members of prospect development teams. We all agree that collaboration sounds positive but does it really make things easier or harder? Does your organization’s current structure foster or hinder collaboration for your team? What does a strong collaboration partnership look like and what does each side need to bring to the table to make things successful?
Blau Hall, Room 3560
Breakout 1: Organizational partners
Facilitator: Melissa Cox, University of Michigan
This session will explore the collaboration between prospect development and our internal partners and how we can celebrate the wins and rebuild bridges when necessary. How are we publicizing our successes to our internal partners? What tactics have been successful in mending strained relationships? How do we leverage alumni relations engagement and stewardship in our work?
Blau Hall, Room 3570
Breakout 1: Working with consultants and vendors
Facilitator: Betsy Schmidt-Gullett, University of Cincinnati
This session will cover the complex relationship we have with consultants and vendors. How do you balance the sales pitch promises with the reality of deliverables? How do you know you are getting what you asked for? What role do we play in negotiations and contracts? How to tap into our peer network/colleagues at other institutions to find out which vendors they use and their experiences with the products?
Blau Hall, Room 3580
Breakout 1: Fundraising goals and metrics for campus partners
Facilitators: Â Stephanie Fultz, University of Cincinnati & Jessica Szadziewicz, Loyola University Chicago
This session will focus on what role (if any) prospect development plays in establishing funding priorities. Based upon funding priorities, what goals (if any) do you set for campus partners or how are they set for you? What meetings (if any) do you have to define priorities/set goals? Who attends these meetings (deans/faculty/physicians)? How do you measure progress?
Blau Hall, Room 2560
Breakout 2: Evaluating prioritization methods
Facilitators: Emily Shipman & Paul Wiklanski, University of Michigan
​In this session we will share policies and practices used for prospect prioritization and follow-up. What prioritization methods does your organization currently have in place? Has your team developed predictive models or scores in order to help with prioritization efforts? What methods are you using to track your team’s impact? What has worked and what hasn’t?
Blau Hall, Room 3560
Breakout 2: Measuring program success
This session will discuss how participants currently track the success of existing and newly launched programs as well as what information is needed to do so. How do you define success for your programs? Are you able to measure the success of those programs with existing data, or do they require additional data to be collected? Are you required to report program success to senior leadership, or is it primarily for internal assessment?
Blau Hall, 3570
Breakout 2: Gift Capacity & the donor cycle
Facilitator: Amelia Bowen, Michigan State University
This session will explore the assets considered and methods employed to determine a prospect’s gift capacity. Do you look for different assets to determine wealth during prospect identification than you would look at when re-evaluating a known prospect? How do you as a prospect development professional work with gift officers to ensure capacity ratings are accurate?
Blau Hall, 3580
Breakout 2: Internal ROI & Productivity measures
Facilitator: Michael London, Cleveland Clinic
This session will discuss how participants are currently tracking and report out on Return on Investment (ROI) for their team. Â Is your team currently required to report out ROI? If so, what factors are measured and reported? How is your organization or team currently measuring and reporting this activity? Â Are non-monetary factors considered and if so, what are those factors?
Blau Hall, Room 2560
Breakout 3: Campaigns - gearing up and winding down
Facilitator: Craig Leonard, University of Michigan
​As Prospect Development teams are being recognized more for our unique skillsets and benefit to our organizations, we are also being asked to do more and more to support the planning and execution of comprehensive fundraising campaigns. In this session, we will discuss the unique role that PD teams can play in planning and closing a campaign as well as how this role might evolve in the future. What are some new ways that your team has been asked to support a campaign (specifically in planning and closing a campaign)? What best practices are evolving on your teams? How do you see the role PD plays in campaigns evolving in the future? What have you learned about fundraising and donor strategy through supporting a campaign?
Blau Hall, Room 3560
Breakout 3: DoD turnover and best practices for onboarding
Facilitator: Kari Stokosa, Wisconsin Foundation & Alumni Association
Turnover is inevitable in fundraising staff. This session will share experiences and best practices in onboarding and off-boarding. What are your effective onboarding methods for educating new employees about prospect development? How do you ensure thoughtful transitions of prospects when a fundraiser leaves?
Blau Hall, Room 3570
Breakout 3: Private company valuations
Facilitator: Chris Louderback, Wisconsin Foundation & Alumni Association
Your prospect owns a private business. Your development officer wants to know how much it is worth. How do you determine its value? What resources do you use? What information do you provide when there is no reliable valuation?
Blau Hall, Room 3580
Breakout 3: Prospect assignment/qualification hierarchy
Facilitator: Kristin Gill, University of Michigan
In this session we will discuss how prospects get from qualification to managed portfolio. What criteria do you use to determine who gets referred a great lead? When do prospects move into portfolios? Come prepared with pain points and successes to share with the group.
Day 3
Friday, June 21
8:00 - 9:00 AM
Blau Hall, Room 1570
Provided by the FORUM planning committee.
9:00 - 10:00 AM
Keynote: Funding the future of PD
Blau Hall, Room 1580
Join us for a Fireside Chat with a donor who gave a major gift to support the efforts of the University of Michigan's Analytics team.
10:00 - 11:00 AM
Cohort work time
Find a spot to gather with your Cohort. See below for more information on this year's activity.
11:00 - 11:45 AM
Cohort report out
Blau Hall, Room 1580
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Take-Aways & Wrap Up
Blau Hall, Room 1580