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Large Group Meetings -- Agenda Ideas, Notes, Etc.
Large Group Meetings -- Agenda Ideas, Notes, Etc.
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2/22/21 FORUM large group meeting notes
Meeting Lead: Sarah Luckey
Notes: Viv Chappell
Action item summary:
· Each institution:
· Complete first round benchmarking questions by filling out this Google form survey from the benchmarking group.
· Specialty groups:
· Submit questions for the next round of benchmarking to benchmarking group on the digital forum website or by emailing Michele Miller.
· Benchmarking group (Michele Miller, Kari Stokosa, Cindy Karpovs, Darren Cooper, Lindsey Mucha):
· By next large group meeting, distribute results of first round benchmarking questions and elevate next round of questions.
· Data resource sharing group (John Hermans and Paul Hively):
· In coming weeks, email everyone questions, requesting input to guide next steps for data/resource sharing group.
· Decide on platform.
· Continue acquiring new resources.
· Determine what we will prioritize.
· Individuals:
· Respond to data/resource sharing group questions that will be sent out via email.
· FORUM 2021 save the date sent Feb 16. RSVP and fill out the survey.
· Save the dates for the following FORUM Large Group meetings, to be held 2:00-3:15 pm Central Time:
o June meeting held as a FORUM session, exact date TBD (6/16/21 or 6/17/21)
o 9/27/21
o 1/10/22
o 3/28/22
· Optional opportunities:
· Please send ideas to Rachel for how to make virtual FORUM 2021 engaging.
· Consider submitting a nomination for the Apra Awards.
· Rachel is on the Apra online content committee. Any good ideas you want to present on related to prospect management? Let Rachel know.
· As we go along, send feedback to benchmarking group if you have suggestions related to the process.
Full meeting notes:
· 10 mins -- Ice Breaker -- Sarah Luckey, Ohio State
Ice breaker question: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
· 10 mins -- Benchmarking -- Kari Stokosa
· Update and next steps
· Kari created a Google form survey with our first round of benchmarking questions. Each institution is expected to fill out the survey (OK for multiple individuals from a given institution to respond).
· Shout out to Research specialty group for providing a few questions. Those are the basis for this first round of benchmarking topics, including questions related to:
o Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
o Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
o Strategies to maintain updated employment data
o Handling entrepreneur-related requests
· By next time we meet, benchmarking group will report out results of this survey, and discuss next round of questions.
· If you want to see responses prior to the group's update, you can view through editor access to the Google form. Navigate from the 2021 FORUM folder to the FORUM Benchmarking form and click Responses.
· Other reminders:
o For next round, enter your benchmarking ideas on the digital forum website or email Michele Miller. The benchmarking group will elevate 4-5 questions like this at every quarterly meeting with the expectation that people will answer these in the in-between time.
o Use the digital forum to ask ad-hoc questions as needed, with the idea that you won't be guaranteed an answer.
· 15 mins -- Data/Resource Sharing -- John Hermans and Paul Hively
· Present action plan.
· Not much has happened since last time.
· Mandate:
o How do we get at the external world of data, put it together, and make sure it's more complete and widely available than what each institution is able to compile on its own?
o What should we collect? Public info, best practices, benchmarking stats, tools…
o How should we organize it? Subject, institution, standardization?
· What we have so far:
o Naming gifts tracker
o Due diligence research check list
o Research best practices
o Career level algorithm (pending)
o US mega gifts (pending)
o Canadian mega gifts
· Data sharing recommendations--3 possible platforms:
o Great Lakes Prospect Development FORUM website
o Box (needs institutional host and/or manager)
o Google Drive
· Paul willing to host Box if we wanted to do that.
· Leaning toward Box or Google Drive.
-Easier to grow with us.
· Questions for the group:
o What are the things you'd love to know?
o How should we share them?
o Share sensitive data, and if so how?
Live at one institution securely and others access?
What about proprietary info?
o Who should we be asking for contributions?
Everyone at FORUM
External data providers that compile this?
· Interest in storing benchmarking data as part of this effort.
· Next steps:
o Decide on platform
o Continue acquiring new resources
o What should we be prioritizing?
· John will email everyone with questions on the 3 topics above (sometime in next few weeks).
· Posted questions to digital forum, 21 views and no responses.
· Q From Jami H. Johnson to Everyone: 02:20 PM
I'm always interested in data around PG level activity - the data samples can be so small that collaboration could lead to some very interesting work
· Paul Hively: Anonymity concerns…Paul has been doing some anonymizing. Could call it "Institution A"
· John H: Also interested in PG modeling. Don't have enough data to do predictive modeling, so more data about them at other institutions would be great.
· 15 mins -- FORUM 2021 -- Rachel Brandell-Mayers
· Save the date sent Feb 16. Reminder to RSVP and fill out the survey
· Creative ideas for engaging in conversation in a virtual format?
· OK to forward the save the date to others, but make sure their email gets added to invitation list.
· Thinking about content. Zoom fatigue. Please send ideas to Rachel for how to make it engaging.
· Kari: Added other orgs to list who aren't at this level, but used to come to FORUM. That OK?
o Rachel: Yes
· Paul H: Will it parallel what we did in person?
o Breakout sessions for PR, PD, Analytics
o As big as others when we did in person?
· Rachel: Email list about 82, maybe a few more will be added. Size: About same as in person, but not sure.
o In terms of content, not sure. Tossed around some ideas. Maybe a virtual poster session where people could submit a presentation, hold multiple sessions and people can choose which session they want to attend.
o Want it to be a format where you're more engaged than listening to a presentation. But how to make it happen virtually is challenging.
· Paul H.: Feedback from team was that they really liked the conversations with the groups. For example, 10 people talking about what they're doing at their institutions.
· Rachel: Will do something with whole group, but mostly will be smaller groups.
· Kari: At Apra last summer/fall: Utilized Zoom breakout rooms and had smaller conversations--supportive of it, it worked. Sometimes more lurkers than contributors in that big conference setting, so the breakout groups can be great to counter that.
· John H.: Paul Wiklanski invited him to attend FORUM at a chance meeting at an Apra event where they were paired for a 15 min. conversation by organizers.
· From Kristin Gill to Everyone: 02:31 PM
Should we draft and publish some expectations/house rules for Forum 21?
· From Heather McPhail to Everyone: 02:31 PM
Yes, we should!
· From Emily Kelley to Everyone: 02:32 PM
Agree, Kristin!
· Molly Schmied:
o Seen something successful elsewhere: Roundtable. Topics put out beforehand. People can sign up for what topic they want. Assigned a facilitator out of the attendees.
o Another idea: Had the person record their sessions beforehand, play session, then had 10-15 min Q&A live. Can address tech issues.
· From Kari Stokosa (she/her) to Everyone: 02:34 PM
I do wonder if we might bring back the show-n-tell bullet presentations?
That's Apra's best practice this year.
· Heather: Primarily had big presentations for whole group, then lots of discussions. So maybe have a few larger presentations like that Molly, but then mostly small group interactions for everything else.
o Molly: I like it. Assign roles and responsibilities within each discussion group ahead of time. People could either volunteer, or be assigned to the task.
· Darren Cooper: Apra Midwest conversation all Zoom last May. Two-day conference. Had volunteer who made an effort to understand how Zoom works, and how to deploy in large group. Did a run-through of entire agenda in advance, and for questions they reached out to super user zoom community. Really smooth day-of. If you have tech trouble, you can lose people.
· Rachel: Anybody a Zoom expert? If so, please reach out if you'd like to help.
o From Jami H. Johnson to Everyone: 02:38 PM
since part of my role is tech training - I can help on that front if needed!
Rachel: Thanks Jami!
· From Todd Conkey-WFAA to Everyone: 02:40 PM
Forum idea: PechaKucha- 20 slides, 20 seconds each, assign 10 people to present on a topics. 2 slides each, 40 seconds. Have the group meet prior to the conference to work on it and get to know each other.
· 5 mins -- Apra Awards -- Rachel Brandell-Mayers
· Call for nominations coming out from Apra.
· Would love to see someone from this group win an Apra award.
· Rachel is on online content committee: Best practice webinar--we need a good idea for a prospect management webinar. Any good ideas you want to present on? Let Rachel know.
· 10 mins -- Future FORUM Large Group Meetings -- Sarah Luckey
· Proposal: June meeting held as a FORUM session (6/16/21 or 6/17/21), 9/27/21, 1/10/22, 3/28/22
o Group gives thumbs up to the FORUM session for the next group meeting.
· Volunteer to lead next FORUM large group meeting?
o Heather McPhail volunteered to lead the next one.
· 10 mins -- Discussion Time/Wrap-Up -- Sarah Luckey
· Kari:
o Completed set up of FORUM Benchmarking Google survey.
o Can export it as an Excel. So we could add to this over time and maintain one spreadsheet.
o As we go along, send feedback to benchmarking group if you have suggestions.
· Cindy Karpovs: Could we add a name to, so if there are questions for follow-up we know who to go to.
o Kari: Yes
· Brad Stieber: Could you add what area of FORUM you're from (PR, PD, Analytics)?
o Kari: Yes. Could get 5 answers from Michigan potentially, from different perspectives, which is fine.
· Brad: With the forum website, any way to make some kind of notification?
o Rachel: On right there are 3 dots, click follow post. Then you should get email notifications.
o Kristin: At top of forums page next to search bar, 3 dots, and can follow category, which should be all the threads. But sometimes they are still hit or miss. So has shared feedback with Wix (platform), and they weren't very helpful. If you know of any better tools, please share.
o Viv: Your IT system may be filtering these out, won't even surface in junk folder. Consider request to add to safe sender list.